Please, Please Your PC

It is very uplifting to read about all the innovative ways companies nurture, recognise and reward staff. Even Richard Branson rates the value of staff above customers to an organisation. My LinkedIn feed is a scrolling ticker of articles and memes highlighting the growing depth of understand that valued staff are productive staff. Every smart CEO and manager seems to have their brand of positive reinforcement for the people whose work deserves to be celebrated.

This is a good thing. People deserve recognition. Some of my best friends are people. But I am a computer guy and I think the time has come to begin a campaign: Please, Please Your PC. I am open to suggestions for a better name.

Think about it: most of the twelve people who read this would spend more time working with their PC/Laptop/Mac/smartphone than any human colleague. I personally spend more time with my devices than with my wife. She assures me she’s coping, somehow.

Computers are our closest collaborator. They are our window onto the world, our organiser, our packhorse. They demand nothing but electricity and the occasional screen wipe. They wait patiently for us overnight and in the morning are bright and ready to go as soon as we are.

They don’t complain when we drop pastry flakes into the keyboard or smash our mouse in frustration. They are our stoic, dependable, versatile helpmates. To recognise our terminally underrated electronic terminals, here are some suggestions:

  •       Run security and software updates when requested.
  •       Fully shut down at least once per week.
  •       Do what you can to keep air intakes unblocked and free of dust.
  •       Regularly run virus scans/checks and ensure any backups are working properly.
  •       Take the time to learn about IT security issues, keyboard shortcuts, databases, macros and any other value-added skill that will surely only be a benefit as we move into the digital economy.

No matter what form our computers take – whether they shrink into paper-thin monitor-only terminals, or rise up to become our AI overlords – we should all take a moment to be grateful that we get to sit in air-conditioned offices or trendy cafes and make ourselves useful to the world.

All while the computer – in its humble, hardworking glory – does the heavy lifting.

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